Tag Archives: Calidris

Little Bunting!


Both yesterday and today were moderately good days, with 37 birds searched yesterday and 28 today, though I had to stop early today as I had to catch the bus to Mörbylånga and get to the dentist in time (see below). All of the lice collected the last two days have been from Dunlin Calidris alpina, Greater Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, and Ruff Philomachus pugnax, and no passerines have given any at all, though I did get some mites from a Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia and a tick from the first new species for me since I came back to Sweden: Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla. I have some pictures of it, but for some reason WordPress doesn’t want to upload them now…

I was also back in Mörbylånga today to revisit the dentist. It seems that the small hole I’ve had for several years had suddenly grown very much larger the last year or so, and had almost reached the centre of the tooth where the nerves are, so if I had waited much longer, they said, I would likely have got an infection and lots of pain. They repaired it, and I’m still a bit woolly in the mouth from the anesthesia.

Finished reading a collection of George Orwell’s essays called “Facing Unpleasant Facts” while waiting at the dentist’s. Damn good author. This, I believe, is the fifth collection of essays by him I have finished since I came to Sweden. I bought most of the collections I could find, as well as most of his novels and other writings, before I left the US, but not all of them arrived in time, so I borrowed some from Skyman. I won’t be able to read through them all before going back home, I guess, but hopefully most of them, at least.

Lice and birds


34 birds searched today, with 9 having lice!

Greater Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticulaQuadraceps spp.
Dunlin Calidris alpinaLunaceps schismatus and prob. Austromenopon sp.
2 Starlings Sturnus vulgarisSturnidoecus sturni and Brueelia nebulosa
3 Tree Sparrows Passer montanus – either Philopterus or Sturnidoecus (= Rostrinirmus)
2 House Sparrows Passer domesticus – same as Tree Sparrow. Read the rest of this entry

Antelope Island


Kom som sagt äntligen iväg till Antelope Island idag, tillsammans med Andrew från labbet.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I finally got to go to Antelope Island today, together with Andrew from the lab. Read the rest of this entry

Uppdatering fågellistan / Bird List update


Var äntligen på Antelope Island idag, och fick se äkta bisonoxar, gaffelantiloper och coyoter, och en massa fåglar. För trött för att ladda in bilder och liknande nu, så jag gör det i eftermiddag…

Finally got to Antelope Island today, and got to see real bisons, pronghorn antelopes, and coyotes, as well as a lot of birds. Too tired to upload pictures and stuff now, so I’ll do that this afternoon… Read the rest of this entry